Thursday 7 February 2013

Oh stormy Wellington

Well we've been here almost 3 weeks and I'm learning the city, getting out about, been enjoying the beautiful summer here.  And then comes our first storm.  Crazy rains and my god the WIND.  The house we are staying at is 4 stories on a hill and our rooms are on the bottom level.  Brodie's room, however, is the one room with only one wall connected to the house with a metal roof over it.  He woke up in the middle of the night cold, so I went to make his heater warmer and I swear, not sure how he got back to sleep, because being in his room with him, sounded like i was in Dorothy's house traveling through the tornado. Crazy winds here. I'm told I should get used to it. lol
I discovered the farmer's market last weekend which was fantastic.  It's pretty expensive to buy food here, but at the market I managed to buy a whole weeks worth of fruit and veges for $28.  Would have cost me twice that in a store.  So now i go every sunday.  Love it.
Brodie and Calan are doing well.  Brodie is a handful and going through his transition now.  Found a great little Montessori preschool for him and so far he really likes it.  It's so nice too, cause you get 20 hrs per week of preshool for 3 and 4 year olds paid for.  You only pay a 'donation' and that goes to assist with better teachers etc.
We just found a cute little house that we'll be moving into in a couple of weeks.
I joined a group called 'Weta Wives'.  All the spouses of people working at Weta and they have been VERY helpful, where to get toys, diapers etc. and setting up some playdates hopefully soon.
Today we went to Zealandia, The Karori Sanctuary.  Looked at the exhibit and went on a nice short kids walk and Brodie got to see some cool birds through binoculars which he enjoyed.
Calan is in that age of craziness getting into everything and poor guy learning to put up with Brodie's big brother pickings on him.  He's doing some of the same things my brother did to me, so guess Calan will survive.  But he really is the sweetest kid.  He loves to grab a blanket and lay down on it, suck on his wubby (wubbanub pacifier), and always comes to me for hugs and snuggles.  His smile makes me happy.  He will really be a caring, loving boy.  Brodie will be too, but just tougher with his love. haha
Ok, i'll end here and write here next week. Until then...
Oh here we are at the top of the Cable Car hill ride.