Thursday 16 May 2013

Time for an update...

So I've been MIA for a while on my blog, posting on facebook more lately.  But thought I'd take a sec to write and update.  For the past month someone has been sick each week.  First Scott, then Calan, then Brodie for a while, then Calan again, then me. :) Oh happy times.  But we are all better now.  And now that Calan is sleeping a little better, I hope that continues.  It's that constant interrupted sleep pattern that is hard on you.
I'm realizing that I think Brodie sleeps like a log because he has such high energy through the day, that his body just crashes.  That's my theory.  He's like me as a kid.  High energy, a little spastic, and sleeps hard and long. That was me.  Calan is very zen and calming.  He still gets upset, but is easily calmed again.
Calan's words are coming out like gangbusters.  New ones all the time and phrases too.  He's so cute. Too cute actually. lol.  His new one tonight, was 'ipad'.  He can sit and play on the ipad for, like this morning, an hour and a half. I had dozed off and apparently I woke to him still playing the ipad in our bed.
Brodie is trying a Rugby class, basically just exercises, but he is not at all joining in yet.  I've tried different ways to get him involved but it's hard.  He does get up at the end and want to kick the ball from the holding cone, he likes that.  But that's all.  Going to try two more times and then call it quits if he doesn't take part.  Scott is going to try him in a kids Jujitsu class.  He starts that sunday, so we'll see. He loves wresting with Scott, and he's got him doing some crazy moves already.  But we'll see.
We joined a playcentre here down the street on thursday mornings and the boys are having a blast there.  So much to do. Apparently there's a lot to do as a parent, so we'll see how much I can put in.
Also trying to figure out work.  I'm ready to do something. ha
question I change careers and go with a company to stick with, or keep up what I've always done,  but amp it up.  Kids change your lives don't they?
Ok, I'm done for now with the inner thinkings of me............